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The journey doesn't end here. Every book she writes has a far greater purpose - to wildly entertain, yes, and also to speak hope in the underdogs that are meant to change their corner of the world.


Maybe underdogs like you.


May you find the joy of entertainment in the books she is honored to share with you, and perhaps, you will find the seeds of inspiration to walk your own hero's journey.​


Jasmine spent much of her teen years being the anxious nerd at a preppy school. At thirteen-years-old, she dealt with it by hiding out in the school library during lunch - because what kid wants to be caught sitting alone in the cafeteria?

The library is where she found epic fantasy. Tomboy Jasmine fell in love with big swords in fantastical worlds. It was her escape from deep loneliness.


Her journey from there was pretty messy. Eventually, as an adult, she thought she was called to teach. She obtained her MA at Columbia University, only to be disillusioned by the public education system. It just wasn't empowering kids to be the heroes they were reading about.


After graduating, she continued on her quest to find her purpose. And she won her first victory - the thirteen-year-old with the dream of becoming published released her debut, Stormfire (first edition), in 2019. This was her first step in her bigger dreams to impact the anxious and brokenhearted.

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